Make profit from the Russian breakthrough technology
Weekly report for the investors
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Venture reward
The research and development of the technology started 20 years ago
The beginning of wide practical application of combined winding motors and obtaining the first patent.
Award for the best innovative project in XI Russian Innovations Competition.
Our electric machines successfully undergo tests in various systems and areas outperforming their rivals.
Donetsk: avaliação da locomotiva elétrica "Era".
Após a modificação do motor elétrico através do uso da tecnologia Duyunov, a locomotiva "Era" suporta 11 carruagens, em vez de apenas 5.
Kiev: avaliação do desempenho de um trólei com motor modificado.
Tyumen: the modified wind power synchronous generator produced the same amount of electricity at the wind speed of 2 m/sec as the original motor at 5 m/sec.
Lutsk and Kiev: successful application of the technology to the electric bus motor.
Alemanha — Mónaco: o carro elétrico Renault Kangoo completamente reestruturado regista um desempenho recorde, destacando-se por entre os carros elétricos da mesma classe.
February: the start of developing the first induction hub motor in the world
June: the second prototype of the hub motor was produced. Improved motor parameters and coordinating controller operation with the support of Curtis.
Novembro: Produção do terceiro protótipo do motor de cubo de roda. Participação na exibição na Central House of Artists em Moscovo, com o apoio da Global Wave.
Testing the hub motor in Germany with the support of Elmoto.
2500+ project partners worldwide
Up to 16% from the investment amount of the invited investors
20 levels of referral remuneration
5 partner status options
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Fast and convenient withdrawal of bonus money
Simple linear marketing plan, with no option of "overtake"